Saturday, September 20, 2008

China Glaze Sleigh Ride

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I was doing so well, having no impulse to change my enhanced Rebel Yell mani, and then I discovered I had a package downstairs waiting for me. What, oh what could it be? China Glaze's Sleigh Ride set for Christmas 2008 (yes, it's still not officially Fall and I now have Christmas polishes...)! With the perfectly sunny and nearly windless day I have today, I had to swatch them for you. With only three, I'll present them in order of preference, least to greatest. All are three coats photographed in direct sunlight.

In at number three is Tinsel. I like this one a lot, but I have slight VNL with three coats, which means it's a four-coater, automatically bumping it to last in preference. I generally wear white gold rather than yellow, and I like my hands to be matchy-matchy sometimes, so this one wil get use despite the extra coat (I'll just use the high-powered SpaRitual Tout de Suite to dry it).

This was a hard choice, but number two is Ruby Pumps. This one is a rerelease in the set, but every time I use Ruby Pumps, I ask myself why I don't use it more often. It's stunning. The only reason it came in at number two is because they are other red glitters, like Essie's Ruby Slipper, that give it some tough competition. I'll probably be using this one for a pedi today, having been reminded how much I love it.

And the piece de resitance of the set, Emerald Sparkle. It a forest green Ruby Pumps!!! Awesome... I likely won't wear this one until closer to the holidays, as it does look very Christmassy, but I love it most of all just the same. There's not a single polish in my giant stash that's even close to this one.

Now you've seen them, and can get them at 8ty8 beauty (linked on the right), and I'm sure they'll show up sometime soon at Head2Toe (also linked on the right). I'm really happy with them - I love nail polish, and I love all things sparkly, so a little set of sparkly nail polish really cheers me up. I hope it did the same for you, Dear Reader. Love and nail polish to you!

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