Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jessica Goddess Collection

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I really thought I was done for the day, and then I went to go check the mail... Waiting for me downstairs was Jessica's Goddess Collection, which I'd ordered earlier in the week. I bought them from Jessica's website,, and they were a little tricky to find there, so I've just given you a link to them. This is definitely a collection for vampy lovers, and they're each amazing.

I'll show them to you in the order that I swatched them. As always, they're two coats over a base coat, with the bottle picture being in direct sunlight and the hand-only picture being in less direct sunlight. Here we go!

Aphrodite's Passion is first, a rich dark blood red with a strong shimmer.

Next in line is Mystical Magic, a perfect milk chocolate brown with a silvery shimmer. I've just started a brown kick, so I really love this one!

Third, I have Feminine Divine, which is a creme that's a cross between chocolate brown and blood red.

Next up is a special one called Venus Was Her Name, which initially looks like a medium grey but is full of purple and a little bit of hot pink shimmer.

Glamorous Gladiator is another milk chocolate brown, this time with gold shimmer and a hearty dose of golden flakies.

Finally, I have Grecian Touch, which is absolutely indescribable, but I'll do my best. It's blackened, and in the shimmer I see red, purple, and green. It's one spectacular color!

I'm madly in love with each one of these. They apply like new Jessicas - the formula is a little bit thick but smooth, and it's heavily pigmented with a very good drying time. For someone just beginning a brown kick, this is a great collection!

This time, I think this is really all I have for you today, Dear Reader, other than reminders to enter giveaways. This week, through next Tuesday, I'm taking entries for a random drawing to give away an OPI Music Hall Minis Set, which was donated to you by sparkling*nails on ebay. Also, today only in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness, Hailey over at Casual Lavish is having a giveaway as well. Here is a link to the entry form there.

Until morning, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

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