Friday, November 14, 2008

Even More Precisions and Some Classic China Glazes

Good morning, Dear Reader!

This morning I did some swatching for you - more Precisions that I recently got. I also have pics of two NOTD's - one from another swatching day this week, and the other is today's. I've been "saving" (for what, I don't know!) some of my old and hard-to-find polishes, and this week I've cracked into them and really enjoyed them - so much that I haven't even felt compelled to Konad them!

I'll start with the Precisions. Each is two coats over a base coat under artificial light.

Senorita Rosarita, I'll just get out of the way. What my application problem was on this one, I'll never know, and I didn't realize how shabby it was until I saw the pics! The polish itself is great - it's a blood red jelly that's unique to my collection. If you can disregard the application, you'll see it's a really cool color.

Romeo + Juliet (that's how the label has the name) is a classy slightly fuchsia red with a strong shimmer.

Can You Keep a Secret? is a hot pink almost-creme - it has a very slight shimmer to it. The shimmer shows up more in these magnified pictures than it does in real life.

Sticky Caramel is an excellent BABB (Band-Aid but Better) creme. This is definitely one I'll wear, and it's screaming at me to Konad it!

The last of the Precisions is my favorite of this bunch - Purple Haze. It's lavender with a strong silver shimmer to it. This one is so pigmented that one coat was almost enough - I barley needed the second.

I got the Precisions from sparkling*nails on ebay, as usual (and that's a link to the Precision listings). If she's out of stock of anything that you've seen here, if you email her at and let her know that you saw it on The Nailphile, she'll take very good care of you and see that you get what you want. She has excellent customer service in general, but we've found that she's extra good to The Nailphile readers. One added note, if you find yourself loading up in her store (which is *really* easy to do, says the voice of experience!), she ships free to the US and Canada for orders over $100, and she does ship to France as well. I always add just one more (between Zoya, OPI, China Glaze, Precision, CHI, and SpaRitual...) , find that I'm close to free shipping, and add a couple more to get the free shipping. It's easy to do - I used to do it accidentally, now I just assume I will!

On to the China Glazes! I was hanging on to the second of these pics waiting for a good post where it would fit in, but it's such a great color that I thought I'd just tack it on to today's post. First up is today's NOTD (Nails of the Day), which I did as soon as I finished swatching this morning. It's China Glaze's Crystal Ball, which can be hard to find. The closest thing I've seen to it that's easily available is Precision's Shine, Wine, and Dine (which I posted a while back).

The second is probably my most precious China Glaze. I've had it for quite some time, but was, as I mentioned, "saving" it. I realized I didn't know what I was saving it for, so I finally used it, and it's better than I'd hoped. It is, of course, the very hard to find Moonpool (Moooooooooooooooooooooonpooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!).

That's what I've got for you today, Dear Reader. I plan to be cracking open more of my precious hard-to-finds in coming weeks since I've enjoyed these two so much (as well as last week's OPI Creme de Menthe). If I ever use them up and they're gone, at least I will have enjoyed them!

Until tomorrow, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

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