Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yet More Precisions!

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I woke up bright and early on this fine Sunday morning and finished swatching the last of the Precisions I have which I haven't yet shown to you. There are four, and something was a little off with my application skills this morning - they're not quite as perfectly tidy as usual, and for some reason I was doing super thin coats for the first three swatches. I normally do thin coats (making all OPIs three-coaters for me), but on these I was doing them even thinner than usual. For all four of these, I did two coats over a base so they're consistent with my other swatches, but if any look a bit thin, attribute it to user error... Since the sun is still coming up and it's a cold cloudy day here, I used artificial light for all of the pictures. I'll show them to you in the order that I swatched them so you know which three were thinner than usual.

Hey Baby Hey is a semi sheer carnation pink with a moderate shimmer.

Wizard of Oz-zie is a rich berry with a strong silver shimmer.

Harold + Muave is my favorite of this group, a purple-y mauve with a strong silver shimmer.

I Toed You So is a rich, deep red creme, and the only on I applied with my usual coats. There was no VNL with this one, as there is with so many OPI reds, so it made me happy.

Those are all the Precisions I have that you haven't seen yet, but there are a few more on the way that I'll be able to show you soon. I got them from sparkling*nails on ebay (that's a link to her Precisions listings), but if she's out of stock of anything you've seen here, if you email her at and tell her that you saw it on The Nailphile, she'll take good care of you and make sure you get what you want.

I may have more for you later, Dear Reader, as I'm going into Konad withdrawal. I haven't done an all-out Konadicure since Tuesday, and am in the mood to do one now, so I might have more pictures for you this afternoon. Until then, love and nail polish to you!

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