Saturday, March 27, 2010

Borghese Tutti Gelati Collection

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I was out and about taking care of some errands this morning, and I ran into the new Borghese limited edition collection, which I think is called Tutti Gelati. But who knows, I never remember the names of drug store collection correctly, do I? I didn't - I was corrected, thank you!

Anyhow, it had six shades, three of which I have hear to show you. The others were a tealy blue shimmer that looked sheer and wasn't too unique, a melon creme that was totally not unique, and a six so forgettable I don't even recall anything about it an hour later.

The sun was fading in and out for the swatches, and they're the best natural light I was able to get.

Limoncello is a delicate yellow shimmer, and I used it over one coat of Orly White Out. I used three coats of Limoncello - is was okay at two, the third really gave it depth.

Borghese Limoncello
Borghese Limoncello Nail Polish, Three Coats over White

Pistacchio is a great green shimmer, but it really needs to go over an opaque base. I did not use one, and it took five coats to completely eliminate VNL, which find just awful with a green.

Borghese Pistacchio
Borghese Pistacchio Nail Polish, Five Coats

The one I'm wearing is Tutti Gelati, a pink with a really cool subtle shimmer. The base color is not terribly unique, but the shimmer is. It required three coats.

Borghese Tutti Gelati
Borghese Tutti Gelati Nail Polish, Three Coats

These all applied really well and were easy to control, so I am happy with them. I just know that next time, Pistacchio needs a white base for me.

The other thing I found while running around was Milani nail art pens, and I grabbed a couple. I'll show you how those are this week.

That's what I have for you for now, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Added half an hour later:

I added decals to my mani, and the sun popped out for a better picture of Tutti Gelati's shimmer, so I thought I'd tack it on here.

Borghese Tutti Gelati Nail Polish
Borghese Tutti Gelati Nail Polish, Three Coats with Decals

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