Thursday, January 20, 2011

Revlon Copper Penny

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I have a nice simple manicure today with Revlon Copper Penny.  It's one of three metallic Revlons that were in a little tabletop display I saw a few weeks back, where the other two were a silver and a gold.  Although all three looked great, I'm set for golds and silvers I love, so I passed them by.

Copper Penny is, as the name suggests, a copper metallic.  It's extremely pigmented and was even and opaque in one coat, but I used a second because I thought the ridges in my nails would show too much with only one coat.  Since it is so pigmented, I'd wager this one would work well with Konad.

Revlon Copper Penny
Revlon Copper Penny Nail Polish, Two Coats
The picture is under artificial light with the polish completely dry.  Photographing a metallic under artificial light is difficult since the light reflects more easily than usual, but this at least gives you an idea of what the polish looks like.  The super tiny silver flecks do not show up as silver flecks just walking around - it takes magnification to show them.  The overall effect on the nail is that it really does look like copper.

Although I have a few polishes with the word copper in the name, I don't have any other metallic that really looks like copper, so I like Copper Penny quite a bit.  I'd been saving this one until my XL plates arrived from Chez-Delaney because I thought some of the geometric tip patterns would look cool in Konad Black Pearl over this, but  they're not here yet and I really wanted to wear it.  I do have that big plain French tip on one of my Chez-Delaney plates, so I might just add that and stamp another pattern in Copper Penny over it.   I'll see if I can find something relatively straightforward that seems good - my stamping confidence has been shaken by my arduous ENAS stamping experience!

There are just a couple of hours left to enter to win Essie Ruby Slippers in a random drawing, so please throw your name in if you haven't already.  It's open to everyone with the only restriction being one entry per person, and the only reason the email address entered would ever be used is to notify you that you've won.

I think that's everything for today, Dear Reader. Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you! 

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