Thursday, August 20, 2009

OPI Ghostess with the Mostess & Konad M73

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I just showed you my post-swatching mani a few hours ago, but I'm fired up about my Nails of the Day and have a little break from work, so I thought I'd show it to you. I have an evening thing to go to tonight, supposing a meeting that got rescheduled doesn't run too late, and I planned it for that.

The idea was glow-in-the-dark nails, which I think my anticipation of this year's OPI Halloween shad got me going on. Adolescent, yes, but I love them nonetheless. They entertain me to no end. I took out OPI's Ghostess with the Mostess, last year's Halloween GID nail polish, which is white and crazy glow-in-the-dark. On its own, it's not totally opaque, so I found a good use for my Matte Alpine Snow (which looks like chalk), and used that as a base. It was a good choice, since it dries fast. Then I applied two coats of Ghostess with the Mostess, which also dries fast, slapped on some Diamont, and stamped it with Black Konad Special Nail Polish using plate M73, then more Diamont (I didn't take my own advice and use the Konad t/c for insurance this time, but you should take my advice, since I'm not using it...).

Here it is under artificial light...

Then I marginally succeeded at what was a failure with this one last year: getting an in-the-dark picture of it. Check it out!

Isn't that funny? Disembodied glowing nails! Why I find this so entertaining, I will never know, but I really, really, do.

Since I'm certainly not changing this for anything at all, that's really it for today, Dear Reader! Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!

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