Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BB Couture Nail Polish

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I've been up and around early swatching for you ! I got the the BB Couture nail polishes that my friend L8B finally made me crack on, and I have a few of them here for you this morning. I have more colors to show you, but these are the sparkly ones and I was feeling sparkly this morning.

First up is Balboa Beach Bunny . It's an glittery purple nail polish that's opaque in two coats, and my only criticism is that the stringy bits of glitter stayed in the bottle rather than on my nails.

I forgot to take the first picture of this one...

Balboa Beach Bunny Nail Polish Bottle

Next up is Frosty Meadow, a green creme with lots of fine gold and green glitter . This one took three coats to be opaque.

Green Glitter Nail Polish
BB Couture Green Nail Polish Bottle

Here's my NOTD, Midnight Malibu, a blurple creme nail polish with lots of fine green and gold glitter .

BB Couture Glitter Nail Polish
Blue Glitter Nail Polish Bottle

Moon over Manhattan is a blue creme base with very fine silver glitter . This was another three coater.

Blue Nail Polish
Blue Nail Polish Bottle

The last one for today is Sea of Cortez, which is a lighter and brighter blue base color with very fine but more pronounced gold and blue glitter , and it took two coats to be opaque.

Sea of Cortez Nail Polish
Sea of Cortez Polish Bottle

On the bottles, it states that it's a "4-in-1 Formula," defined as a base coat, strengthener, color, and top coat. However, since my nails have stopped staining for the first time in 25 years and are now bulletproof , I still used Nubar Nu-Nails under my NOTD - I'm not taking any chances ! Also, since I don't have the patience for nail polish to dry , I also used Nubar Diamont over my NOTD. Since BB Couture makes a seperate base coat, strengthener, and top coat, and the site that sells them ( Overall Beauty) recommends using a b/c and t/c for a mani, I don't know if it's the best idea to use the polish alone . If you've done it with success, let me know - I'm just not willing to jeopardize my stronger and stain-free nails by being the test subject for it .

On the topic of Nu-Nails, I've had some questions about where to get it in the UK , and I got an answer to that this morning . You can find it at Beauty Shed, and it's well worth getting. My new nail shape is a result of it - normally, when my nails are this square, the corners break off right away, but they've been just fine . My typing's even worse than normal now, but my nails are finally a different shape !

That's what I have for you for now, Dear Reader. There are more BB Coutures, as well as the rest of my sparkling*nails haul, to come soon . How does the creepy Burger King apply to that sentence, you might ask yourself? He doesn't. I just had to work him in somewhere. Him, Mr. T , and Freddie Mercury .Obviously, I'm not over this smiley phase yet... Have that that I will be soon - it takes forever to get all these smileys!

Just a reminder, it looks like today or tomorrow will be the that the hit counter on the bottom right hits 3,000,000 . If you're the one who sees it, send me a screen shot and I'll send you a cool trinket to thank you for sticking with me for three million page views and just as many phases !

Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

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