Thursday, June 16, 2011

China Glaze Tarnished Gold Crackle

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I was looking at what to add to yesterday's Essie Trophy Wife to change it up a bit for another day, and decided to go with China Glaze Tarnished Gold Crackle Glaze, the gold from the Crackle Metals.  I'd narrowed it down to Tarnished Gold and Cracked Medallion, the bronze, but decided that Cracked Medallion might be a bit much and went with the gold.

I just used one quick coat of Tarnished Gold over Trophy Wife and added a coat of top coat to seal it, and I'd revived it for a new day.

China Glaze Tarnished Gold
China Glaze Tarnished Gold Crackle Glaze

I like these two together and do think that Cracked Medallion would have been too much, so I'm pleased with the outcome.  That's all there is to tell you about today, Dear Reader, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

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