Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Camberonged Tulipe Noire

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I was waffling on keeping my wacky inaugural mani, but think I've finally decided to do one that's a bit more refined.  Still red and blue with my hands providing the lily white, but anything's more refined that what I've got!

Since yesterday I showed you the directions on my decals (which, as you can see from the title, still have me giggling), I thought I'd show you that manicure today.  It's surprisingly subdued for me!

I started with two coats of Chanel's Tulipe Noire, using a Chanel base coat.  I've discovered that their base coat or SpaRitual's Color Lock Base Coat prevents the chippiness for which Chanels are known.  I found some Chanel base coat that was inexpensive on ebay, and I snatched it up to save my Chanels.  I topped it with one coat of SpaRitual Tout de Suite - I use that or Poshe to get Chanels to dry quickly and properly.  I then applied two of the decals, one on each ring finger, and ended up with the rare subdued manicure.  Here it is.


I really like this one.  For the decals, I was IM'ing with a reader who showed me a picture of a manicure with the same ones, and I bought some.  The next day, all over my message board was Heidi Montag's nightmare of a Chanel manicure, and I was afraid I'd get the gargantuan decals that she had on.  I was pleased when they arrived and were tiny - just what I wanted.  Then I got to read the instructions, and got a good laugh to boot!  Ain't life grand?

I might have more for you later, if my planned inaugural mani works out.  Today is a huge day for us in the US - groundbreaking!  Even though I want a woman president, I've been an Obama gal right from the start.  Hillary Clinton and I graduated from the same high school, and I really, really want to see a woman in the White House, but I've been hoping for Obama since he threw his hat into the ring.  One of the reasons I think this is so big is because of something my dad's taught me.  As a young man, his father faced the dreaded "NINA" (No Irish Need Apply) added to all the Help Wanted signs.  My dad has always told me that a people's way out of opression is education, then to become the police and government.  It's worked for the Irish (so well that Illinois government is now riddled with nepotism and general corruption, I write as my governor has been impeached...), and I believe Barack Obama will show that the same works for African Americans.  I certainly hope so, but even if not, we'll have the most gifted orator since JFK leading this country.  There.  I got all political on you!

Enough of that!  I'll have more for you later today if all goes well this morning.  Until then, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

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